Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Welcome to SLOWest's Communications Blog!

Welcome! In addition to our website and The SLOWest Times newsletter, this blog will be a place where I will be sharing my experiences as the Communications Coordinator for SLOWest. Join me here as I share my observations and experiences of being involved in this supportive community we call SLOWest. As I attend meetings and events and meet more of you, I will share photos and updates so that all can be informed!

Photo Credit: CoffeeGeek

What is your project group doing? Want to share it with the rest of SLOWest? Let's meet up at Bridgehead and we can chat about your current projects. By sharing more information through this blog my hope is that we will join more sustainably-minded individuals together in action and stay more informed about each others' great ideas and work in the community!

Having a meeting with your group? Putting on an event? Let me know and I'll help you get the word out. I'll also do my best to attend as many events and meetings as possible to not only meet all of you, but also take photos and report back via this blog so others can stay updated. I hope you're not camera shy because I'm looking forward to capturing your smiling faces!

The public blog forum on the website will still be operational and everyone is welcome to share anything, anytime. Feel free to comment on this blog below each post, and if you have any questions about navigating the blogosphere, please don't hesitate to email me at sustainablelivingottawawest@gmail.com.

Please bear with me as this blog evolves and becomes better with time. I look forward to keeping communication open, inspiring and frequent within SLOWest!